After three years I am very surprised that no one has commented on this beautiful model's talent. I could not pass up this comment board with out posting what grace and beauty LaNesha has. A perfect bikini body and the two piece bikini that you have on in these pictures complements you in all the "model" right ways. My favorite I would have to say is the last one and the reason being is that you have a looser look to you but still have that striking a poses model look to it. With that along goes the first one in the pink dress. When both of those two come together, a sort of loos look with your natural beauty, you look like a star and have the look that your suppose to be doing this in your life. Finishing with this last comment a web site / .com ( is dirt cheap and I would think about getting one, I wish you the best of luck in your modeling career.
After three years I am very surprised that no one has commented on this beautiful model's talent. I could not pass up this comment board with out posting what grace and beauty LaNesha has. A perfect bikini body and the two piece bikini that you have on in these pictures complements you in all the "model" right ways. My favorite I would have to say is the last one and the reason being is that you have a looser look to you but still have that striking a poses model look to it. With that along goes the first one in the pink dress. When both of those two come together, a sort of loos look with your natural beauty, you look like a star and have the look that your suppose to be doing this in your life. Finishing with this last comment a web site / .com ( is dirt cheap and I would think about getting one, I wish you the best of luck in your modeling career.